Monday, April 15, 2013


So I guess a lot of babies in Cedar get jaundice, so they tested Ellie twice for it in the hospital and wanted us to bring her back in on Saturday to get tested again. After we took her for her jaundice test, we ran to Wal-Mart real fast (yup, I'm that mom!) to get her socks and small blankets since we were a little unprepared for her birth. While we were there, we saw that they had the Easter Bunny out, so we had to get a picture!
Then on Sunday we went to church, just to sacrament, so I could lead the music. And I felt like I should really go to church since I had missed a ton because I was miserable at the end of my pregnancy! So here's some cute pictures of Ellie in her cute dress: 
We tried to take a picture after church, but Ellie was hungry so we gave up.
Happy Late Easter! 


  1. Don't worry, I was that mom too. I had to get a prescription filled for my pain meds and a few other post-pregnancy things I didn't even think about. And I totally went to church with him when he was 6 days old. I had a woman tell me that I shouldn't have done that but...whatevs. He was fine. Still is. ha ha. I'm glad I'm not the only mom like that!!!

    P.S. She's darling and you are looking awesome. :)
